Beading · Cross Stitch Kit · Herrschners

Herrschners Order

Early in January, I received a catalog from Herrschners advertising their after Christmas sale. Being a sucker for sale prices, I placed an order.
I ordered some kitchen towels and some herb and spice iron-on transfers. I will be putting these in my hope chest when they are done. The top center package is the reason I wanted to order – it’s a beaded snowflake kit. You see, every year I tell myself that I’m going to start making Christmas presents before November/December.  This year I’m actually doing it! I’ve already finished half the ornaments. The directions are easy to follow, and I can make several snowflakes in an evening. On the far right are two DMC Linen floss booklets.

 I also ordered the stitchers surprise box since it was half off. I figured that if I didn’t like some of the things, I could use them for blog giveaways. So, the things I’m keeping are this cross stitch kit, and the bags of lace and embroidery floss. The things I’m not keeping are a secret, for now.
~Sarah EtsyNameSpace.Mini(5529017, ‘shop’,’thumbnail’,1,4).renderIframe();